Raining Records
9 Euclid Avenue
Troy, NY 12180
US shipping is $5 flat rate for UNLIMITED items, US Media Mail. Please contact us for Priority or International rates. If you're local we can arrange delivery or meet up somewhere... Email us or send PayPal payment with order info to rainingrecords@gmail.com.
You can also visit our Discogs page here: https://www.discogs.com/seller/rainingrecords/profile.
Moon Worship is dead, long live Moon Worship!
Blood on Blonde - LP (RR08) - $15 SALE: $10!!!
OUT NOW!!! Following their debut “Book the Pops” EP, Moon Worship has teamed up once again with engineer Ryan Slowey to brew up this season’s batch of sinister sleaze. While accounts vary as to what exactly took place during those two days in the studio, the resulting full length tells a tale of its own… Digital version is available for download here. Enjoy!
Moon Worship T-Shirts (red on black, or white on black. Limited stock, inquire for size availability.) - $12 SALE: $10!!!
Shirt/LP/cassette combo deal - Includes T-Shirt, "Blood on Blonde" LP, and "Book the Pops" cassette EP - $20!!!
This - LP (RR06) - $15 SALE: $10!!!
OUT NOW: The fourth and final full length from Albany's post-punk trio, Complicated Shirt!!! This is the long awaited follow-up to 2010's Instruments, with vocal contributions from Kelly Murphy (Empire State Troopers, The Wasted, Small Axe). Limited to 250 hand-numbered copies. Digital download is available here.
Power Animal System Methods
NOW IN STOCK!!! Jason Martin has been creating amazing music, visual and video art since he was small child, when Jason started the seminal art noise punk band THE BROWN CUTS NEIGHBORS in the late 1980's. Since then Jason has gone on to write and record many releases under various names and has lead and participated in countless visual and video art shows, performances and installations.
The POWER ANIMAL SYSTEM METHODS LP combines the species and gender queer trans-missional-dimensional themes of Jason's visual performance art and merges it perfectly with his amazingly crafted and unforgettable pop tunes, folk tales of inter-dimensional space travel, laser gun battles, fringe cut-80's era bikinis, personal stories of love, loss, shame, cross-species romance, inner power and self-preservation. Jason Martin is alive, long live Wolf-man Jason!
Released on Peterwalkee Records, first pressing limited to 300 copies, includes digital download with bonus tracks not on the LP. $15 SALE: 10!!!
Book the Pops - cassette EP (RR07) - $5
"Chrome Peeler has had a knack for bringing together seemingly disparate bands for some pretty cool releases, like with their You've Got Your Orders series of CD compilations that featured a diverse assortment of underground bands and artists writing original songs based on abstract song titles that the label invented and gave to each participant. This new 10" record is more of a New York scene report, featuring a side each from Brooklyn's Team Robespierre and Albany's Brevator, both bands offering their own weird versions of heaviness. Team Robespierre come out with nine songs of high energy electro-thrash, with two keyboardists, spastic drum sequencing, harsh shrieking vocals, the drumming going all over the place from herky-jerky no wave rhythms to blazing blastbeats...like the electro punk of the Screamers being played by a rabid digital grindcore band, brutal, manic, but infectiously catchy.
But where Team Robespierre are all about speed and mayhem and frantic keyboard chaos, when you flip the record over to Brevator's side, suddenly all of the oxygen is sucked out of the room and a heavy wave of slow feedback crashes over you as the Albany doom cult appears in a thick cloud of psychedelic sludgecore. They serve up a single untitled track that begins in a haze of heavy droning feedback and free saxophone blowing, cymbals starting to crash in as the drums creep into view, a crushing funeral doom riff eventually crashing down from above as the singer starts to sing in a deep, chanting voice,all while the buzz and crackle of malfunctioning instrument cables and short circuiting amplifiers fill the room. Where in the hell did these guys come from? This track is an amazing slab of psychedelic avant-doom, with a ritualistic graveyard atmosphere that reminds me of an even more fucked up Bloody Panda jamming with the Butthole Surfers." - CRUCIAL BLAST
Released on Chromepeeler Records, 2006. Limited to 500 copies. $9 SALE: $5!!!
Paper Cups Attached By String - 7" EP
Complicated Shirt's 2007 four-song EP, featuring covers of "Are You Deceiving Me?" and "Dead Dying Gone" by Kevin Coyne. Kelly Murphy (Empire State Troopers, The Wasted, Small Axe) adds vocals to two tracks with the boys on this 10-minute post-punk roller coaster ride! Self-released - Limited to 500 copies. $5
COMPLICATED SHIRT - Instruments - CD (RR05) - $6
Albany post-punk trio's third full-length. You can stream/download it for free here.
Or you can buy it from us... It would be cool if you did.
COMPLICATED SHIRT - It's Almost 11:30 - CD-R single (RR03) -
Enclosed in pocket watch-style packaging, this is less than one minute of ridiculousness. Or awesomeness. You decide... Limited to 48.
FRIENDSHIP IS TERRIBLE - s/t - cassette (RR01) - $1
This lo-fi anti-folk trio takes you on bicycle rides through the magical streets of Albany in 2003. These are numbered of 180, but less than 100 were actually made.
A NEW DAWN FADES - I See the Nightbirds - CD - $5
BONE & JOINT CENTER - Star Super - LP (limited to 99) - $10
CONNIE ACHER - Love Sick Lip Service - CD - $5
ARMOR COLUMN - Maximum Collateral Damage - cassette (limited to 333) - $5
BEEF - Stink, Stank, Stunk - CD $5
BEEF - The Champagne of Bands - CD - $5
BONE PARADE - s/t - CD-R EP - $3
BONE PARADE - Vollmondlieder - CD-R EP (limited to 200, hand sewn sleeve) - $5
BRICK BY BRICK - Severed Ties - CD - $10
BURIAL - Divinity Through Eradication - CD - $5
CHE GUEVARA T-SHIRT - Everyone That Is Dead Was Obviously Wrong - CD-R - $3
COMPLICATED SHIRT - Compromising Compositions - CD - $6
COMPLICATED SHIRT - Paper Cups Attached By String - 7" EP - $5
COMPLICATED SHIRT - Strigine - CD - $6
CRO-MAGS - Revenge - CD (AUTOGRAPHED!) - $20
DEAD UNICORN - Yellowstone Supervolcano - CD - $5
EMPIRE STATE TROOPERS - Turn Lights Out - CD - $5
EMPIRE STATE TROOPERS - Upstate Again - CD EP - $5
EVIXXION - Strategic Cancellations - CD - $5
THE FIGGS - Casino Hayes - 7" (green vinyl) - $5
GAY TASTEE - Songs for the Sodomites - CD - $5
BRENT GORTON - San Diego - CD-R - $3
BRENT GORTON - The Typewriter Set - CD-R - $3
HELD UNDER - The Catastrophe of Creation - CD - $5
IAN & THE AZTECS - Don't Ha Ha - 7" - $5
THE KISS UPS - Coffee Sessions - CD - $5
M. KOURIE - The Dreams of M. Kourie - CD - $5
LEGIT! - s/t - 7" EP - $5
JASON MARTIN - Power Animal System Methods - LP - $15
MOON MAGICK - s/t - cassette - $5
MORTUM - Beyond Which Darkness Holds Secret - CD - $5
OV DUST - Crushing the American Christ - CD $6
OV DUST - Resurrection of an American Heretic - CD - $5
SPREAD 'EM - Pizza Crisis - 7" EP - $5
SUNSET ASIDE - Of What Remains - CD - $5
TENTACLES - s/t - CD - $5
THEE ELECTRIC BASTARDS - Live! at Club Awesome - CD - $5
TO HELL AND BACK - s/t - CD - $5
TO HELL AND BACK - Will We Be Torn Apart - CD - $5
ToUGH - Cyborg Semian Semantechs - CD-R - $5
ToUGH - The Bank of Tough - CD-R - $5
THE TRAGICS (Misfits) - Mommi I'm a Misfit - 7" (blue vinyl reissue) - $5
WASTEFORM - Crushing the Reviled - CD - $5
WASTEFORM - Designed by Disgust - CD - $5
ZAHNARZT - Mini Pony - CD - $5
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